Meet Dr. Victoria Coleman, a respected chief scientist for the U.S. Air Force in Arlington, Virginia, and a visionary force behind cutting-edge advances in defense technology. With her storied career spanning academia, industry, and government, Dr. Coleman's expertise has left an indelible mark on fields ranging from microelectronics to cybersecurity. In this exclusive Q&A with her, we delve into her remarkable journey and reveal insights about her collaboration with Eglin and her pivotal role in shaping the future of national security.

Q: How does your background in both academia and government agencies like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency influence your approach to understanding the work being done here at Eglin?

answer: My computer science background and experience in academia and government have shaped my approach to understanding and applying technology in defense settings.

I'm a computer scientist with three degrees in computer science. My field is always changing, which is always exciting for me. Throughout my career, I have focused on applying computer science to defense and mission-specific problems. My first hands-on project was on the Air Data computer for the F-14 fighter jet. This experience ignited my passion for using computing power to support mission objectives. When I joined the Air Force, I met mission operators firsthand and observed the challenges they faced. This proximity to the mission inspired me to build connections between the science and technology community and the operational forces. It became clear that solving real-world problems requires understanding not only the technology but also the context in which it is used.

I have always been driven by applying computer science to solve real-world problems. My goal at Eglin is to foster collaboration between academia, government, and industry to advance innovation in military technology.

Q: Additionally, in your career, before Siri was acquired by Apple, you helped create the technology that led to today's AI technology, could you elaborate on how this has impacted government efforts? Could you please

answer: Looking back at the evolution of computing, from punched cards to voice recognition to AI models, it's clear how far we've come. Projects like DARPA's Cognitive Assistant program have been major efforts focused on developing advanced artificial intelligence systems that can understand and respond to natural language. Visionaries like DARPA Director Tony Tether have paved the way for advances in self-driving cars and natural language processing. Although these efforts were carried out outside of government, they were guided by collaboration and leadership, and demonstrated the power of leveraging outside expertise in furthering our mission.

Innovation flourishes when diverse perspectives come together and bridge the gap between government and external talent pools. Efforts like DARPA's Grand Challenge for Self-Driving Vehicles would not have been successful without this collaborative approach. Similarly, advances in speech recognition and photography rely heavily on partnerships between academia, industry, and government. These collaborations not only accelerate technological advances, but also inspire new generations to join our mission.

question: Why do you think it is important to brief the Air Force Chief Scientist Group here at Eglin on the mission? Also, are there any plans to expand this practice to other locations?

answer: Eglin's briefing to the Air Force Chief Scientists Group is critical because they play a critical role in influencing decisions that affect the entire Air Force. Taking them to different locations exposes them to different mission sets and fosters collaboration across the service. Our goal is to expand this practice to other locations and gain a broader understanding of challenges and opportunities across the Air Force. Similar briefings have already been held at Nellis Air Force Base, Barksdale Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Scott Air Force Base, and Australia.

question: How is your office promoting collaboration between Eglin Air Force Base and university-affiliated research centers, and how do you foresee this partnership fostering innovation in military technology?

answer: Hosting the Tactical Autonomous University Affiliated Research Center at Eglin in conjunction with the Chief Scientist Group meeting serves two purposes. This exposes UARC faculty and students to real Air Force operations and research while educating members of the Chief Scientist Group on Eglin's mission and his UARC capabilities. This is a groundbreaking initiative. UARC is the first Air Force-sponsored organization and is uniquely comprised of historically Black colleges and universities led by Howard University. This partnership is designed to support specific mission needs while building long-term relationships between academia and the Department of Defense. Our focus includes developing immersive simulation techniques for tactical training and validating autonomous systems for real-world deployment. This partnership will develop the next generation of talent that not only supports current mission objectives but also drives innovation in military technology.

The Air Force's vision is deeply rooted in its people and technology. We aim to lead the world as the most technologically superior force.Dr. Victoria Coleman, Air Force Chief Scientist

Q: How do you intend to use the insights gained from the Chief Scientist Group's visit to inform future research priorities and policy decisions within the Air Force?

answer: This visit will serve as an opportunity to identify areas of cooperation between academia and the Air Force. Action items will be established and ongoing communication will ensure that specific needs are addressed, including discussions on topics such as great power competition.

Q: Can you tell us more about the role of autonomy in future military operations and how Eglin's research fits into this broader strategic vision?

answer: Autonomy plays a key role in bridging the technological gap. A project-based approach allows for the experimentation and learning that is essential to effectively integrating autonomy into operations.

question: What aspects of UARC's recent visit to Eglin Air Force Base were most memorable to staff and students, and how might this experience impact their future contributions to the national defense effort? do you have?

answer: For most of the UARC staff and students, it was their first time on an air base. I would like to thank the team at Eglin for their exceptional hospitality. Hearing directly from the world's best test pilots and maintainers about how UARC can support national defense had a huge impact on his UARC faculty and students who attended this week, and they may not have considered areas of national defense otherwise. It could inspire your career in .

Q: Looking ahead, what hopes and aspirations do you have for the future of scientific research and development within the Air Force, and how will visits like this by the Chief Scientist Group help realize those goals? Would you like to contribute?

answer: Indeed, the Air Force's vision is deeply rooted in its people and technology. We aim to lead the world as the most technologically superior force. This isn't just about competition. It's about proactively identifying and incorporating breakthrough advances into our mission. These visits are important to ensure we stay ahead of the curve and are not only aware of new technologies, but are able to proactively incorporate them into our strategy. It's an ongoing journey and not a quick fix. We are focused on fostering a culture that values ​​innovation and technological prowess. The recent emphasis on improving technical capabilities, including by introducing competition in cyber operations, reflects our commitment to this goal. We are laying the foundation for a future where the Air Force is at the forefront of technological innovation and ready to meet any challenge head-on.

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