new york – Americans prefer online medical platforms (or Portal) Used by many doctors to issue test results and track patient information. Patient portals offer numerous benefits, including improved health outcomes and engagement in care, but the majority of Americans do not use these online platforms or even consider creating an account. yeah. But researchers say the low uptake of the portal isn't just due to patient preferences or lack of internet access.

The study, led by Dr. Naheed Ahmed of New York University Grossman School of Medicine, found that having health insurance and establishing a relationship with a primary care provider (PCP) plays an important role in patient portal implementation. Suggests.

“Our findings suggest that access to care, along with ongoing patient health needs, influences the use of patient portal platforms,” Dr. Ahmed said in a media release.

To investigate the factors that influence portal usage, Dr. Ahmed and his team conducted an online survey using Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. Participants answered questions about online patient portal use, health status, access to technology, and health literacy.

Analysis of survey responses revealed significant differences between patients who used the online portal and those who did not. Portal Her users tended to reside in urban areas and have a higher level of education. Non-users cited lack of awareness and technical issues as reasons for not having an account.

Telemedicine for the elderly: Elderly man receiving virtual doctor consultation
According to the researchers, having health insurance and establishing a relationship with a primary care provider play important roles when patients choose to use online portals. (© fizkes –

The study also found that health insurance coverage and ongoing health needs are important factors influencing portal adoption. Patients with a primary care provider were five times more likely to have a patient portal account, while uninsured patients were significantly less likely to use the portal. Patients with disabilities or comorbidities may have been more likely to have an account because they see patients more often and want to stay connected to their healthcare team.

Additionally, patient portal users demonstrated high self-efficacy in managing health issues and positive attitudes toward media and technology. Surprisingly, non-users showed higher health literacy scores.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of health insurance coverage and ongoing health needs as determinants of patient portal usage. Establishing a relationship with your primary care provider will increase patient adoption of the portal and help you stay engaged and connected with your healthcare team. Patient portals provide a convenient means of communication, allowing individuals to actively manage their health and participate in their care journey.

By addressing barriers to portal use and increasing patient awareness, healthcare providers can increase engagement and leverage the potential benefits of patient portal platforms. Improved access to online health resources has the potential to transform healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

The research will be published in a journal medical care.

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