Want to learn how to build resilience with conservation agriculture? Want to learn about soil carbon marketing opportunities for farmers? Learn about how climate change will affect soil carbon and soil health or What about whether phosphorus starter fertilizer is needed?

Find answers to these questions and more at the annual Conservation Tillage Technology Conference, March 12-13 at the McIntosh Center at Ohio Northern University (ONU), 525 S. Main St. in Ada. CTC) will be discussed. CTC is provided by The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) and other supporters.

Randall Reeder, a former extension agricultural engineer at Ohio State University, said the event focuses on providing information to farmers about promoting and maintaining soil health.

The two-day event, which offers a workshop on “New Technologies for On-Farm Decision Making” and a discussion on “Lynn: What We Learned from 45 Years of Ohio Fertilizer Trials,” is a “learning opportunity for farmers and crop consultants.” designed to provide. “It's about the latest technologies and practices to conserve soil and improve water quality, and how it can improve financial returns while building healthier soils,” Rieder said.

Reeder is the organizer of this year's CTC in collaboration with OSU Extension, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation District. OSU Extension is his outreach arm of CFAES.

CTC provides the latest research, insights, tips, and techniques on precision fertility, cover crops and fertilizers, water management, technology and equipment, nutrient management, and advanced cover crops. There were approximately 60 speakers, including 25 of his CFAES researchers and extension educators, as well as participants from several other universities, farmers, the Department of Agriculture, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, and industry representatives. will appear.

The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. March 12 with a presentation by Alex Harrell, a soybean and corn farmer from Smithville, Ga., who set a new world soybean yield record of 206 bushels per acre. Mr. Harrell proposes a discussion on “Maximizing Economic Soybean Yield.''

Other conference sessions include:

  • Using the crimper crop roller
  • Back to basics: Laying the foundations of nutritional management
  • Cover cropping and no-till operations
  • Biological products as part of soil health systems
  • Using a systems approach for no-till and soil health
  • Soil carbon stabilization and persistence
  • Selling soil carbon from no-till soils: adjusting for bulk density reduction
  • Carbon and climate markets: legal issues for farmers
  • Modeling carbon sinks and sources in agricultural land
  • Maximize soybean yield
  • Nutrient intake and value of cover crops
  • Fertilizer gas: Detecting invisible danger
  • Results of sidedressing corn using the Cadman toolbar to apply fertilizer
  • Weed management considerations when planting greens

CTC's complete schedule and registration information can be found at ctc.osu.edu. The registration fee is $150 and can be made online or by check by mail.

Continuing education credits are available for Certified Crop Advisors with an emphasis on soil and water management, crop management, and nutrient management. Certified Livestock Manager credits are also available.

Other conference sponsors include Brandt Professional Agriculture, Pioneer, Calmer Corn Heads, CFAES' Farm Science Review, AgCredit, The Andersons, Fenning Equipment, Ohio Soybean Council, Ohio Corn & Wheat, and The Nature Conservancy.

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