Asheville – We love computers, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices that make our lives easier and more connected, but at what cost? Are they really safe? What tests have been done?
This was the subject of a talk entitled “Electromagnetic Radiation: Finding Solutions for Safer Technology” presented by the Westreich Foundation at AB Tech's Ferguson Auditorium on Thursday, May 23. The event was headlined by Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, and featured a panel of local experts Zen Honeycutt (Moms Across America), Mary Anne Tierney (Blue Ridge EMF Solutions), and Natalie Sadler, MD, Psychiatrist. All of the speakers were there to educate people on how to protect themselves and their loved ones from harmful EMF, cell phone and 5G technology at home, work and school.
Dr. Debra Davis
Dr. Devra Davis, founder and president of the Environmental Health Trust and an expert in epidemiology and toxicology, has served as senior advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Health at the Department of Health and Human Services, among other honors. The first 50 people to sign up for the event received a copy of her new book, “Disconnect: A Scientist's Solutions for Safer Technology.”
Tests and Risks
FCC limits on human exposure to radio frequencies (RF) were set in the 1980s and 1990s and tested only for heat, not radiation. Today, many electronic devices measure far above the approved levels. Davis noted that even Lloyd's of London refuses to insure the telecommunications industry because of the dangers.
Recent studies outside the US have reported breast cancer in women (cell phones in bras), infertility in men (cell phones in pockets), thyroid cancer, but the most frightening risk is to children. There has been a four-fold increase in colon cancer in young adults, which is thought to be caused by cell phones in pockets or on laps. Children's skulls are thinner than adults', and scans have shown that RF energy penetrates deeper into the brain.
Expert Panel
Dr. Natalie Sandler works with a holistic approach in her Black Mountain office. She has a personal issue of sensitivity to wireless energy, so she is currently investigating whether her patients' symptoms are due to EMF issues. EMF issues can manifest as headaches, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, forgetfulness, memory problems, word-finding, ringing in the ears, burning eyes, frequent urination, palpitations, joint pain, rashes, high blood pressure, etc. Dr. Sandler says, “You should sleep in a place without wireless Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or outdoor smart power meters. Radiation can be one of the causes, physically, emotionally, and mentally.”
Zen Honeycutt, whose son suffers from depression from radio frequency energy, moved here to get away from excess cell towers, only to find that the Buncombe County Schools (BCS) technology director had installed WiFi access points in every classroom, exposing every student to high levels of radio frequency energy. Honeycutt and others showed BCS that instead of installing 40 routers per school, they could simply install three in the hallways and shield them. They could power the routers down by 99% and still serve the school's 1,500 devices. And the school did.
Mary Anne Tierney, founder of Blue Ridge EMF Solutions, LLC, is an expert in electromagnetic radiation cleansing for building ecology. Her knowledge was incredible. She uses specialized equipment to assess four types of EMF, reduce or eliminate the source of EMF to provide positive health outcomes depending on her client's health, budget and readiness for change, and create low EMF sleep sanctuaries for adults, children and infants so their bodies and brains can reset and restore while they sleep.
All experts say to reduce your exposure to cellphone, WiFi and Bluetooth devices, including earbuds, Alexa, headphones, wireless doorbells and thermostats, and all smart devices. Stay wired whenever possible. Put your phone or tablet in airport mode and only use WiFi and Bluetooth when necessary. Keep devices away from your body and don't sleep with your phone. Take a day off for a digital detox.
“Asheville is so fortunate to have Debra Davis, PhD, MPH, and her team of renowned experts share the latest research on the dangers of cell phone radiation, EMF, and 5G,” said Ruth Westreich, president of the Westreich Foundation. “There has never been any question before about whether EMFs are dangerous. Thankfully, we have solutions to help mitigate the dangers, and people in Asheville who can help.” If you'd like to speak with one of our local experts, all three can be found online.