Unfortunately for some shareholders, Gospel Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002848) The stock is down 27% in the past 30 days, lingering recent pain. The past 30-day decline caps off a tough year for shareholders, during which the stock price fell 22%.

Even after such a drastic price drop, some think Gospel Digital Technology's 4x price-to-sales (or “P/S”) ratio is noteworthy, given the median P/S of China's telecom industry. I don't think there are many yet. The industry is also similar at about 3.9x. However, it is unwise to simply ignore the income statement without explanation, as investors may be ignoring clear opportunities or costly mistakes.

Check out our latest analysis for Gospell Digital Technology.

SZSE:002848 Price to Sales Ratio (April 21, 2024)

What does Gospell Digital Technology's P/S mean for shareholders?

As an example, Gospel Digital Technology's earnings have deteriorated over the last year, which is not ideal at all. Investors probably believe that recent earnings performance is good enough to keep up with industry standards, which prevents the bottom line from declining. If you like the company, you'll at least hope that happens so that you have a chance to buy the stock while it's not very lucrative.

There are no analyst forecasts available for Gospell Digital Technology, but take a look at this. free Data-rich visualizations show how a company's revenue, revenue, and cash flow stack up.

What do revenue growth metrics tell you about your bottom line?

Gospell Digital Technology's P/S ratio is typical for a company that is expected to only have moderate growth and, importantly, perform in line with its industry.

Looking back, last year saw a disappointing 22% decline in sales for the company. Things aren't looking too good, with the company's revenue declining a total of 30% over the past three years as well. So we can say that the recent revenue growth is unfavorable for the company.

In contrast to the company, the rest of the industry is expected to grow by 50% over the next year, which truly takes into account the company's recent medium-term revenue decline.

This information makes us concerned that Gospel Digital Technology is trading at a similar P/S compared to its industry. Apparently, many of the company's investors are far less bearish than they have been lately, and aren't willing to exit the stock any time soon. Only the boldest would think these prices are sustainable, as a continuation of recent earnings trends will likely ultimately weigh on the stock price.

What does Gospell Digital Technology's P/S mean for investors?

With the stock price falling off a cliff, Gospel Digital Technology's earnings appear to be in line with the rest of the communications industry. Although it is not wise to use the price-to-sales ratio alone to decide whether to sell a stock, it can be a practical guide to a company's future prospects.

Our review of Gospell Digital Technology reveals that revenue contraction over the medium term has not had as much of an impact on the bottom line as we expected, given the industry's expected growth. We're uncomfortable with the current P/S ratio, as this dismal earnings performance is unlikely to support more positive sentiment over the long term, even if it's in line with the industry. It is not wrong to expect that the company's shareholders will continue to have difficult times going forward unless the recent medium-term situation improves.

Before you form your own opinion, here's what we found. 1 warning sign for Gospell Digital Technology What you need to know.

of course, Profitable companies that have a history of strong revenue growth are generally safer choices..So you might want to see this free A collection of other companies with reasonable P/E ratios and strong earnings growth.

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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary using only unbiased methodologies, based on historical data and analyst forecasts, and articles are not intended to be financial advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. We aim to provide long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest announcements or qualitative material from price-sensitive companies. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

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