Hexagon | NovAtel has launched NovAtel Application Suite version 2.0, which includes GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT). The GRIT Monitor application allows users to observe radio frequency (RF) interference through a comprehensive dashboard, make informed decisions and maintain robust positioning.
GRIT is an RF interference detection and mitigation technology available in all OEM7 GNSS receiver products, including individual cards and enclosures such as smart antennas, PwrPak, and MarinePak.
GRIT Monitor is the first RF interference software visualization tool that provides an at-a-glance interface for all relevant data in real-time in a single dashboard view.
It includes a summary of positioning and device status, which acts as a mitigation assistant to indicate whether interference is detected. It features an interactive spectrum viewer that displays all constellations and frequency bands (spectrum and waterfall) and a signal matrix that shows signal quality and interference status for each frequency band and constellation.
The technology includes a location overview map that shows the user's location and the location or source of interference. NovAtel Application Suite version 2.0. In addition to MarinePak, it also supports additional application management functionality, formerly known as Setup and Monitoring.
To access the new GRIT Monitor application, download NovAtel Application Suite version 2.0 from https://bit.ly/3weNXbi.