her 2022 book The Equality Machine: Leveraging digital technology to achieve a brighter, more inclusive future.Ori Lobel argues that our relationship with digital technology is inherently ambivalent, seeing it as both servant and master, promising opportunities but raising concerns. .

However, without ignoring its risks and negative impacts, Lobel argues that digital technologies can and must become important forces for social welfare, including justice, inclusion, economic growth, innovation, and especially equity. claim.

Education stands out as the social sector where uniformity of access and quality of services is of paramount importance. In this regard, technology continues to evolve and becomes increasingly relevant in efforts to achieve educational goals, especially when traditional methods have reached their limits.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, technology provided an alternative learning method when all schools had to cancel in-person learning. Thanks to technical assistance, the majority of students were able to participate in learning activities even though schools were closed.

Another urgent education issue currently under scrutiny is the training of teachers for continuing professional development (CPD). This is very important because educators have to adapt to new pedagogical problems and knowledge.

Today's students have access to a wealth of information and are exposed to diverse lifestyles, requiring educators to innovate their teaching methods to meet the needs of their students. However, not all teachers have equal opportunities.

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Scale is a challenge, with more than 4 million teachers needing training. Formal training is often rotated depending on government resources and teacher preparedness. Distance is another obstacle. Teacher training centers are often concentrated in state capitals, which is a disadvantage for teachers living elsewhere.

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