Transit Asset Management (TAM) America had an exclusive interview with Gabriel J. Lopez-Bernal, President of Icomera North America, one of the dedicated leaders behind Icomera's advancements in wireless technology.

Shivani Saxena, Director of TAM Americas, interviewed Gabrielle, and she unraveled some of the complexities and key concepts such as vehicle acquisition, service life, procurement, technology lifecycle, and partnerships.

Purchasing a new vehicle is often a celebration for transit agencies and operators. However, there appears to be a difference in the continuity of the operational period and the attention given to the initial procurement. Can you elaborate on the impact of this oversight?

Yes, it's true that procurement often overshadows long-term operational considerations. This narrow focus can lead to increased operating and maintenance costs in the future. Agencies need to be strategic from the start and ensure that the technology integrated into their fleets is sustainable for the future of operations.

Given the rapid pace at which technology is evolving, how can transit agencies ensure that the vehicles they acquire today will remain relevant and efficient in the future?

Transportation agencies must change their approach by choosing flexibility in their procurement strategies. This means forming partnerships with manufacturers that allow for the integration of technologies that evolve over time, rather than specifying all technical aspects from the beginning. It's also important to invest wisely in components that provide long-term cost efficiency.

What are some common pitfalls that transit agencies encounter during the procurement process, especially when it comes to technology selection?

Agencies often release RFPs and expect answers to fit their future needs without understanding how quickly technology will evolve. As a result, the vehicle may be technologically obsolete by the time it enters service. Distributors also tend to defer technology decisions to manufacturers, which may not align with the agency's forward-looking needs.

How do you suggest transit agencies shift their approach during procurement to better respond to advances in technology?

Distributors need to buy into the operation, not just buy the equipment. By doing so, you are investing not only in the immediate delivery of your products, but also in the services these vehicles provide. Both transportation operators and manufacturers need to work together to foster a spirit of partnership to make the most informed technological choices leading up to delivery.

The relationship between transportation providers, operators, and manufacturers has traditionally been viewed as a buyer, intermediary, and supplier. How important is a partnership approach in this context?

It's essential. When transit agencies and manufacturers work together in partnership, they can leverage the capabilities of each party to make informed decisions. This cooperation could lead to the introduction of more advanced technologies tailored to the specific needs of operators and passengers.

This article was originally published by Icomera.

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