Bozeman, Montana, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Reveal Technology Co., Ltd. (Reveal) from the U.S. Air Force AFVentures program. $33.6 million Strategic Fund Growth (STRATFI).

Reveal will work closely with joint force customers to deliver next-generation situational awareness tools for operations in restricted areas and tactical perimeters.

Farsight provides users with actionable intelligence in network-constrained environments

This award recognizes the continued research, development, test, and evaluation by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Program Office (PEO) SOF WARRIOR, Air Force Special Operations Command (HQ AFSOC) A5-8-9/Gunship requirements. We will support your efforts. Office (A5KG), U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Rapid Innovation Center (AFRL/RSC).

The next generation of expeditionary warfare will require warfighters to have capabilities that enable real-time information collection, edge processing, and dissemination in operationally constrained environments. Reveal will work closely with joint force customers to deliver next-generation situational awareness tools for operations in restricted areas and tactical perimeters.

The selected scope will continue the development, integration and enhancement of Reveal's near real-time 3D modeling software, Farsight, to better meet tactical fighter mission requirements. Upon completion of the 36-month performance period, leaders at every tier will have an enhanced solution that enables them to quickly leverage, evaluate, and distribute edge-processed intelligence to support rapid decision-making in dynamic production environments. You will get . Units and assets of all sizes can generate their 3D models and situational awareness layers in near real-time at the edge, allowing operators to analyze targets at battlefield pace even in environments where their GPS is denied.

“Reveal is honored to receive this STRATFI award and believes it is an expression of the Department's belief that Reveal is a key technology provider of the future.As we execute this contract, Reveal and its supporters continue to build capabilities and capabilities into the platform, positioning it as a trusted long-term partner in the 21st century. Department of Defense” said Reveal CEO. garret smith.

Farsight is a receive-only software solution that provides users with actionable intelligence in network-constrained environments. Farsight processes images collected by sensors to create 3D models in near real-time. The platform is sensor and operating system agnostic and can be seamlessly integrated. Department of Defense Legacy, current, and future systems. Users can mesh Farsight's AI-powered analytics into models in real time. Modeling and analysis are both handled at the edge with minimal processing power requirements, making it different from other commercial solutions on the market and from government agencies.

Reveal (PRNewsfoto/Reveal Technology, Inc.)

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