Technology plays a key role in any organization's social sustainability strategy. Additionally, NTT research shows that the majority of senior executives are aware of this and are actively working to leverage digital technology and innovation to support society's sustainability efforts. Masu.

In North America, 59 percent of executives surveyed said digital innovation is essential to achieving social sustainability goals.

That number will continue to grow. The study predicts that the use of technology for social sustainability will increase by an average of 40% over the next 12 to 24 months. In particular, the adoption of online gaming and team-building tools to enable diversity and inclusion is expected to grow rapidly, with a projected 125% increase.

How technology can be used for social sustainability

  • Governance and ethical practices: Data security and privacy technologies are essential to good governance, especially in a digital-first world where cybersecurity risks are increasing. Additionally, companies have adopted environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data management systems, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability in governance practices.
  • Employee engagement and well-being: The shift to hybrid and remote work accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic has led organizations to adopt digital technologies to support employee engagement and well-being. Ta. Companies are using analytics to identify hazards and safety issues, while deploying a variety of tools, such as virtual collaboration and digital wellness apps, to support a positive work environment.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity and inclusion efforts are supported by data analytics, online games, and team-building tools to help organizations monitor progress and foster an inclusive workplace culture. By leveraging enhanced intelligence and talent acquisition tools, companies can foster a diverse talent pool while advancing society's sustainability goals.
  • Sustainable supply chains and ecosystems: More and more companies are leveraging technology to incorporate suppliers into their sustainability strategies. Companies are using smart sensors and drones, cloud technology, ERP tools, and predictive models to optimize their supply chains and drive innovation.
  • Community involvement and well-being: True social sustainability includes the communities in which companies operate. Businesses are using websites, digital platforms, and social media to share information with their communities, and some are using mobile apps to host virtual events.
  • Customer engagement and well-being: Almost 40% of businesses surveyed are using technology-enabled products, services, and channels to deliver personalized customer experiences, including digital assistants, personalization software, and customer sentiment analysis software. I'm using.

The future of innovation and social sustainability

As companies chart a course towards social sustainability, digital innovation and the strategic integration of technology can be key to success. By harnessing the power of technology, companies can not only achieve their sustainability goals, but also foster long-term innovation, well-being, and prosperity.

Key technologies by industry

  • Financial Services: Data Security and Digital Chatbots
    • 72% of financial services organizations surveyed plan to invest in data security and digital chatbots as customers shift from in-person to online banking.
  • Automotive and Manufacturing: Data Security and Privacy
    • As autonomous driving makes security more important than ever, 78% of automotive and manufacturing companies surveyed plan to invest in data security and privacy.
  • Healthcare: Cloud technology
    • 68% of healthcare organizations surveyed believe cloud adoption has improved efficiency and data sharing.
  • Telecommunications: Digital chat bots and customer interaction tools
    • 70% of carriers surveyed said their company's priority is to focus more on the customer.

Learn more about the business case for social responsibility.

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