As the Chinese market shows signs of recovery, driven by strong holiday spending and positive trade data, investors are keeping an eye on developments that could impact their portfolios. In this environment, growth companies with high insider ownership like Ningbo Deye Technology Group offer unique appeal, with the potential for management's interests to be aligned with those of shareholders in evolving economic conditions. there is.
Top 10 growing companies in China with high insider ownership
name |
Insider ownership |
revenue growth |
YanKer Shop FoodLtd (SZSE:002847) |
29.2% |
23.9% |
Zhejiang Songyuan Automobile Safety System Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300893) |
20% |
24.2% |
Suzhou Sun Yat-sen Technology (SZSE:300522) |
37.6% |
63.4% |
Arctech Solar Holding (SHSE:688408) |
38.7% |
25.9% |
UT Tour Group (SZSE:002707) |
twenty four% |
33.1% |
Shinno Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300827) |
36.5% |
39.8% |
Fujian Wancheng Biotechnology Group (SZSE:300972) |
15.3% |
75.9% |
Anhui Huaheng Biotechnology (SHSE:688639) |
28.3% |
28.5% |
Jilin University Zhengyuan Information Technology (SZSE:003029) |
12.1% |
69.2% |
Offcn Educational Technology (SZSE:002607) |
26.1% |
72.3% |
Click here to see the complete list of 405 stocks on Fast Growing Chinese Companies Screener with High Insider Ownership.
We're going to check out some of our picks from the screener tool.
Simply Wall Street growth assessment: ★★★★★★
overview: Ningbo Deye Technology Group Co., Ltd. is a China-based global company specializing in the manufacture and sale of heat exchangers, inverters, and dehumidifiers, with a market capitalization of approximately C$40.63 billion.
operation: The company derives its revenue from the manufacture and sale of heat exchangers, inverters, and dehumidifiers in various global markets, including China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and India.
Insider ownership: 24.8%
Revenue growth forecast: 28.0%/year
Ningbo Deye Science and Technology Group, a growth-oriented company with a majority of insider ownership, posted annual sales of CNY 7.48 billion and net profit of CNY 1.79 billion for the year ended December 31, 2023, a significant increase. reported an increase. In terms of net income, the company's revenue is expected to grow an impressive 28.4% annually over the next three years, outpacing the Chinese market average. The PER is 24.8 times lower than the market average, and the return on equity is expected to be high at 34.1%, indicating that Ningbo Deye will have high future profitability, but the dividend will not be sustainable due to insufficient cash flow coverage. It seems unlikely.
Simply Wall Street growth assessment: ★★★★★☆
overview: China-based Naruida Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing and sales of polarization multifunctional active phased array radars and has a market capitalization of C$10.52 billion.
operation: The company earns CN Yen 208.86 million from manufacturing and selling radar products.
Insider ownership: 17.8%
Revenue growth forecast: 52.3%/year
Naruida Technology is expected to increase its annual profit by 58.23% over the next three years, despite its recent quarterly revenue declining from 35.12 million yuan to 31.49 million yuan and net profit halving to 4.23 million yuan, China It is poised to significantly outpace the market. The forecast is 23.3%. The growing company, which is currently part of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index, has initiated share buybacks worth up to 30 million yuan to support its ESOP or stock incentives, leading to volatile stock prices. This highlights strong insider confidence, even though the profit margin is lower than last year. 29%.
Simply Wall Street growth assessment: ★★★★☆
overview: Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Ltd. specializes in the development and manufacturing of geospatial data processing technology and has a market capitalization of C$16.63 billion.
operation: The company generates revenue through the development and manufacturing of geospatial data processing technology.
Insider ownership: 26.5%
Revenue growth forecast: 22.4%/year
With strong insider ownership, Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology reported revenue for the first quarter of 2024 increasing from 79.07 million yuan to 103.06 million yuan, and sales increasing from 511.85 million yuan to 616.91 million yuan. It reported a significant increase compared to the same period last year. Its price-to-earnings ratio of 35.1x is below the industry average, but analysts predict that the stock could rise 24.7%. However, the company's expected profit growth rate of 21.65% per year is lower than the broader Chinese market's expectations of 23.3%, and its return on equity is 3.3%, reflecting concerns about future profitability and efficiency. It is expected to remain at around 18.5% in 2020.
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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary using only unbiased methodologies, based on historical data and analyst forecasts, and articles are not intended to be financial advice. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. We aim to provide long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest announcements or qualitative material from price-sensitive companies. Simply Wall Street has no position in any stocks mentioned. The analysis only considers shares directly owned by insiders. This does not include shares held indirectly through other vehicles such as corporations or trust companies. All projected revenue and earnings growth rates quoted are based on annualized (annual) growth rates for one to three years.
Companies discussed in this article include SHSE:605117 SHSE:688522 and SZSE:300627.
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