Your business may be on the verge of an important milestone, so we thought we'd take a closer look at: Tribe Technology PLC (LON:TRYB) Future prospects. Tribe Technology PLC is a holding company that, through its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures and sells autonomous mining equipment in Australia and Northern Ireland. As of June 30, 2023, the company, which has a market capitalization of GBP 13 million, had posted a loss of GBP 3.3 million in its most recent financial year. The most pressing concern for investors is Tribe Technology's path to profitability, or when it will break even. This article looks at the company's growth expectations and when analysts expect it to become profitable.
Check out our latest analysis for Tribe Technology.
Some UK machinery analysts expect Tribe Technology to be close to breaking even. They predict that the company will incur a final loss in his 2025, but in 2026 he will be in the black of £833,000. Therefore, the company is expected to reach breakeven approximately two years from today. What year-over-year growth would the company need to achieve to break even on this date? Using a best fit line, we calculated the average annual growth rate to be 45% . This is quite optimistic. If that rate turns out to be too strong, the company could turn a profit much later than analysts expected.
Since this is an overview, we won't discuss any company-specific developments for Tribe Technology, but keep in mind that high growth rates are generally not unusual, especially when a company is in good times. Investment period.
Before wrapping up, there is one issue worth mentioning. Tribe Technology currently has negative equity on its balance sheet. This may result from the accounting method used to deal with accumulated losses from previous years, which are considered carryforward liabilities until offset in the future. These losses tend to only occur on paper, but in other cases you may have been forewarned.
Next steps:
There are important fundamentals of Tribe Technology that are not covered in this article, but it's worth stressing again that this is just a basic overview. For a more comprehensive look at Tribe Technology, please visit the Tribe Technology company page on Simply Wall St. We have also compiled a list of relevant aspects to refer to.
Achievements so far: What is Tribe Technology's past performance? Find out more with our past performance analysis and take a look at our free visual representation of the analysis for greater clarity.
management team: Having an experienced management team at the helm increases our confidence in the business. View the biographies of Tribe Technology's board members and CEO.
Other strong performing stocks: Are there other stocks with a proven track record that offer a better outlook? See our free list of these great stocks here.
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