Background on what a consortium is:
When we refer to the term consortium, we are referring to a team or board of directors with diverse skill sets and backgrounds but with common interests. This aims to build shared mental models and expectations among the wide range of stakeholders necessary for medical technology. This work is necessary to leverage healthcare technology to deliver results for patients, clinicians, and organizations.
What you need to know:
This consortium is truly unique and there is no competition or conflict with existing organizations or professional associations. In fact, multiple members have reported higher performance and better outcomes in other executive and board roles as a result of the skills and connections they gained in this consortium. Our consortium aims to develop business leaders in healthcare technology, IT adoption, implementation, integration, and related governance of privacy and cybersecurity. Consortium participants include leaders in AI, cybersecurity, engineers, doctors, lawyers, investors, businessmen, board members, etc. and his IT leaders.
About us
Why do we need this consortium? Validity, respect, and trust need to be built between the parties that need to work together, such as healthcare and IT. There is no consortium with this kind of configuration to do this. In fact, its design should include all stakeholders. Relevant adaptation requires consensus on the synthesis of knowledge.
Where will this consortium go? We will continue to develop books, technical continuing medical education, develop multidisciplinary leaders to participate in the development of standards and certifications, and sow conceptual models to be passed on to other organizations.
Reasons for adopting a consortium model: It is a flexible, modular and responsive organization that addresses today's pressing issues in the healthcare IT and medical technology industries, with special interests in advanced technology, AI, and cybersecurity.
Why we establish a consortium: Our current goal is to instill knowledge in the investor and business community through our cross-sector expert healthcare and technology network.
Why do we do this: We drive our collective vision based on relationships, access and active leadership from many top talent in all relevant fields.
call to action. We want to leverage our platform to amplify the best of the industry. Tell us your story, especially one that aligns with our principles summarized here:
Statement on current project positioning (venture capital book)
For venture capitalists, this book will become the standard roadmap to increasing respect, trust, effectiveness, and success in the healthcare market. This is to enable investors to drive impact and results by optimizing health outcomes and delivering returns at the same time.
For more information:
1) Consortium backgrounder:
2) Consortium overview:
Kate Liebert's full testimony:
“Members of the Trustworthy Technology and Innovation Book Series and Leadership Consortium are best described as having high integrity, intellectual curiosity, results-oriented, and a dedication to patient safety. Executive members of this group come from leading healthcare organizations, and their time is invaluable. These leaders are willing to donate their time and expertise, co-authoring thought leadership articles, contributing to team meetings, and more. The fact that they are giving up other opportunities to mentor more budding executive members of the collective speaks to the value they find in participating. The impact I know I can make, and the incredible leadership of MediGram founder, series editor, and CEO Cherie Deville. As a new executive member of this collective, I have benefited immensely from my participation. I did.
1) Learning healthcare technology governance, strategy, and operations from literally the best of the best is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
2) Co-developing thought leadership and tools used by medical technology leaders across the country is a true career honor.
3) Being able to count members of your group as mentors and friends is invaluable. ”
-Kate Liebert
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